Sharing meals with the needy


Allgreen Properties Ltd distributed freshly packed meals to needy families under the care of Willing Hearts.

Willing Hearts is wholly run by volunteers, apart from a handful of staff. It operates a soup kitchen that prepares, cooks and distributes about 6,500 daily meals to over 40 locations across Singapore, 365 days a year. Beneficiaries include the elderly, the disabled, low income families, children from single parent families and migrant workers in Singapore.

Between April and June this year, KSL Group’s Allgreen Properties Ltd partnered with Willing Hearts and led the distribution of approximately 14,000 packed meals to needy families during the Covid-19 Circuit Breaker period in Singapore. This effort would not have been successful without the caring support and partnership of our Allgreen staff and Great World Food and Beverage tenants, as these tenants were more than happy to contribute to a worthy cause during these uncertain times. Mr Said, our KSL staff member certainly played a key role in ferrying the delicious meals to Willing Hearts daily, come rain or shine.

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